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Signed in as:
- Gemma Krumeich (Linnell)
*Gemma is typically heavily booked, so if you know you may need mutliple sessions we suggest pre booking those in. For immediate or faster support options, feel free to chat to our reception team on 5982 3571, so they can offer another therapist options if needed.
Body energetics involves transformative sessions that are unique to each individual. Throughout these sessions, numerous energetic, emotional, mental and physical shifts occur.
Our minds seek stories to understand and accept our experiences, but the body simply needs to feel. So often we have a level of acceptance from our mind, yet there is a "but" in the heart or the body where it whispers "but I shouldn't have experienced that," "but it was so unfair," "but I'm so angry still." This is where these sessions come in to play - that resistance, block, suppression or pain point in the body.
The treatment isn't Reiki, touch is typically directly on the body (light clothing is fine), some of these areas can be quite tender to touch (pain like a trigger point). You may be hyper aware of areas you are holding stress or tension already, but we also use muscle testing to scan the body and organs as well to pin point blocked areas; we then identify if the origin is Physical, Emotional, Mental or Spiritual (or a combination of the above). Everything is explained during the session as well.
Treatment methods in a session may include:
Physical blocks refers to muscle pain, issues in the soft tissue (like fascia, tendons, ligament) or a specific joint or organ that has physical stress and potential pain or illness/ disease in that specific area. Often you will already know there's an issue here, or experience discomfort or pain already.
Emotional blocks refer to feelings—such as fear, anger, grief, or confusion—that have been suppressed and are stuck in the physical or energetic body. These blocks often arise from stressors or traumas that were too overwhelming to address at the time they occurred. Emotions may be buried due to perceived pain, lack of support, or social stigma, preventing them from being processed.
Mental blocks are often in a subconscious form and are a belief that isn't true and doesn't serve you. However it's playing out and affecting how you are feeling, your relationships, ability to live authentically and freely. If you always feel trigger by a particular person or have looping issues in different forms - you'll definitely want to explore these block types. Using Kinesiology muscle testing we can access the exact block / belief and bring in consciously forward to rewire and change. Traditionally this through Mindset and Lifestyle Coaching techniques.
Spiritual blocks can stem from inherited beliefs from family or society, unresolved fears, or traumas from previous or earlier timelines that continue to impact your life. These blocks may also relate to lineage or epigenetic factors (which are grounded in scientific understanding). Our energetic field and body are directly at interplay here as well - for some people they are literally like a head walking around and aren't in their body at all, this separation can cause an array of issues and fatigue systems like burn out and being "back in their body" can feel jolting when they first jump back in, but followed by the most beautiful relief, clarity and system reset.